
Our First Egg!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kits doing better

We changed the way Blue was nursing, and are getting much better results.

First we removed the nest box from her cage, which may sound "wrong," but actually does not cause stress, as rabbits have a nest burrow that in the wild they would only visit once or twice a day. Rabbits also do not spend a lot of time with their kits in the wild.

Secondly, we nurse the smaller kits - the ones with shrunken tummies & wrinkly skin (sign of not getting enough to eat/dehydration) - in the evening. We do this by bringing Blue TO the nest box in my closet, away from kids & noise & cat. She climbs in, stays for 5 minutes. We can hear the kits nursing. She licks them at this time too. Then she is done. She gets a treat & exercise, then back to her cage.

Third, we bring Blue to nurse all the kits together in the morning, following the same routine.

Fourth, I weigh the kits. Have been doing this since day one. I use a kitchen scale, as it is more accurate when dealing with 1/4-1/2 oz. increments.

I am happy to report that all kits, except our littlest, gained weight this morning, and are not looking as wrinkly. Numbers 4 & 1 are still struggling, but not losing weight. I am hoping that they will improve by tomorrow morning by following the same routine. Several of the smaller ones looked much fatter, with full tummies, and are satisfied.

What a relief! Pics tomorrow.

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