
Our First Egg!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Meet Blue!

Blue is my senior doe, which means she is a female, over 6 months old. Blue is from Black Diamond Rabbitry here in Reno. She has had two litters thst I know of. Her first litter was three kits, or babies. None of them died. Her second litter was five kits, and none died either. So, for a rabbit, she has small litters. A buck, I believe, from her last litter went on to win Best of Breed against 16 other angora rabbits, so she produces nice show kits.

She was nervous when she first came to live with us, unlike our buck Winchester. To calm her I would hold her and pet her ears. Then I sat outside away from so much "kid" noise and let her down to run around. She found a little hidey-hole behind a stock tank up against our fence. She is making it her own by rearranging the hay, and attempting to dig a hole under the deck inside it. She is unaware that this is not going to happen. She loves to be outside, and some excercise calms her down to where she will allow me to pet her and hold her for a good amount of time. I find, with my does, in my limited experience, that they are more accepting of a snuggle when they have been out of the cage for awhile. Our buck enjoys a good snuggle anytime.

Her nickname is "Pigtails," as she has two of 'em on her ears! Her color is called Smoked Pearl.

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