
Our First Egg!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Coming soon...Evans first blog post!
At dinner I informed my family that I had finally named our microfarm & rabbitry...drum roll please....Eggs N Sweaters! My announcement met with mixed reviews.

Why Eggs N Sweaters? time YOU name the microfarm.

I explained I was trying to think of something that we produced here. Like eggs, fruit, vegetables, and, to make sweaters with, I guess. Eggs N Sweaters seemed more catchy to me than Eggs N Scarves...or Peaches N Cowls....or Eggplants N Gloves.....or fertilizer from two types of animals, commonly known as, yes thats right, poop!

Hubs said I should name it after a geographical location. I said, "I really don't want to give the crazies and zombies any more information to triangulate my location. As we all know, soon the society as we know it will enter a downwards spiral of financial crashes, mass chaos, looting and riots, due to bacon being labled as cancer-causing by the WHO. No need to attract unwanted attention by stating the location of our stash of pastured heritage pork, humanely-killed, minimally processed, nitrate-free bacon that surely can't be cancer causing."

Yeah, right. It's just costco bacon.

Hubs then states, "Is anyone going to know from the name Eggs N Sweaters that we sell rabbits?" Well, no. Hmm. Husbands must never be allowed to be "right." I have a dilemma. But, technically, we don't have any rabbits to sell...yet. There. I win.

I also made an announcement that Evan will be contributing to this blog....and he was excited! He has a typing and computer coding elective starting this quarter, and blogging will go hand and hand with that. I said he should write about what it's like to raise chickens, and learn about rabbits, and 4-H shows. I also had to break the news that it was not a forum for elevating his Christmas list to "most read" status. No one wants to read about the merits of which Lego & MegaBlocks sets he most desires, and why. But really, who would read any of this anyways?

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